Fashion Blogger Program
Fashion Blogger Policy (United States Bloggers Only)
Do you want pearl jewelry absolutely for FREE? Are you looking for long-term sponsorship? Then don't hesitate to send us an email ( to introduce your thought about fashion, your blog website for us (US Bloggers Only). You may get free clothing that is worth US$30 to US$200 every month!
Fashion Blogger Policy
Your blog must have over 10,000 followers (Instagram / Facebook/ Pinterest).
You have at least 50,000 followers with one of your social networking accounts. (United States Only)
We need you to put our promotion Icon (which will be provided to you) on the front-page of your blog, and this icon links to the front page of our site (
Please share your thoughts on our clothing through your social networks.
You should use the jewelry to create your look, take photos and post them on your blog, Lookbook, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, etc. within 7-15 days of receiving the parcel. When you publish the photos, outfits and review, please include the the link of the product page or the link of home page ( on your post/photos.
Please send us an email once you publish your photos and comments.
Pearl Rack reserves the right to collect photos of your post, use the information of your post.
We may use and collect the content, photos of your blog or post e.g., we may put it on Facebook or use your photos on our website. If you do not agree, please inform us in advance.
At the same time would review the performance of the sponsorship program on a monthly basis to adjust the value of the monthly coupon based on performance.
That's all! It's easy, right? If you want to join our program, please send us an email to start the process (United States Bloggers Only).